After an year that took traveling away from me and brought me closer to many more things, I am very excited for 2021. In line with 2020, I’ve set my objectives and unlike 2020, I am publishing them here in public.

A Retrospective Account Of Inju's Adventures On Land and In Life
After an year that took traveling away from me and brought me closer to many more things, I am very excited for 2021. In line with 2020, I’ve set my objectives and unlike 2020, I am publishing them here in public.
Setting goals is only half the battle. A constant review and feedback loop is essential for consistent growth. Read my 2020 goals review
One of the most underrated elements of success is moving in the right direction. While we’ve been tuned to be fast I think that’s the wrong parameter to focus on. Read on to know why!!!
In our perfectly normal lives, we have to learn about a wide range of things . Be it for curiosity or for survival. Here’s how I approach learning a new subject!
Giant Leaps are overrated. Without the baby steps of all those people who already attempted to climb those peaks, giant leaps are next to impossible. Read why baby steps are more critical than the giant leaps.
We all have been in such situations. Few can figure out how to get out and few can’t.
Here’s what a terrible trekking experience taught me about dealing with f*cked up situations.
This is a milestone post. After spending 6 months publishing blog post every week. I give you a sneak peek into how I write, the lessons I learned and what I want to write about in the future.
Ever wondered what goes into changing a person? a handful of challenges, the company of good people and a never ending quest for learning. In the 22nd blog post, I talk about my transformative journey at Ather Energy.
Read how my dreams of trekking up to Mt. Kailash taught me about being action biased. Made me realize that saying doesn’t give results, doing does.
Owing to the remarkable people he follows & reads, Inju gets a lot of random thoughts and very few turn out to be helpful tidbits for life. Here’s a comprehensive collection of all such thoughts.